Wine has always played an important role in the history of mankind; religious elements, celebrations and even enjoyed for health benefits. But have you ever considered wine to have spiritual elements or even more…a necessary element to a biblical lifestyle?
Read this short article I wrote about it for United with Israel.
Then there’s always the foodie perspective, religious or not. For the culinary traveler, if you’ve not considered Israel as a top culinary destination, you are completely missing out.
Israel is home to incredible wines and avant-garde dishes that will have you swooning with delight. And I’m not the only who knows this.
In October 2016, this little secret graced the cover of Wine Spectator magazine. “The Wines of Israel, Surprising Quality From An Emerging Region” was the tagline.
In 2015, Conde Naste’ Traveler magazine voted Israel as a top wine destination. Saveur Magazine, Forbes Business Traveler and others have also deemed Israel as a “must-visit” place for culinary travel.

Fact Check
Since the days of Noah, Israel has been producing wine longer than any other country. While there has been a hiatus for over 2000 years, the Jews are back in the vineyards of Eretz Israel, growing and producing global award winning wines.
That is THE miracle: The vines have come alive again after 2000+ years because the return of the Jewish people to their ancestral homeland, just as God promised. We are living in miraculous days!
“Once again, you will plant vineyards on the hills of Shomron,
and those doing the planting will have the use of its fruit.” Jeremiah 31:4

New Friends
One of the highlights of my travels to Israel is meeting people from all over the world, many who become lifelong friends, such as my dear friends Thomas and Judy from Australia who are huge Israel lovers and wine lovers.
The picture below is our time together enjoying a glass of goodness in the upper Galilee from a few years ago “researching” wineries in Israel. What a fun adventure!

There’s more to Israel’s wine scene : Innovation
With Israel being the inventor of the cell phone, Intel computer processing chip, flashdrive and a gazillion other technological innovations that have made the world a better place.
They’ve also invented the computerized drip irrigation system and solar panel energy that increases efficiency in use of water, sunlight and soil conditions to produce award winning wines.
From October 2016 to forever, when it comes to Israeli wines, the best is yet to come.
Israel is the most incredible ancient-modern hip place to experience.
On my tours, we visit vineyards and touch the vines and drink the wine which means we are touching and drinking prophecy.
“I will restore the fortunes of my people Isra’el;
they will rebuild and inhabit the ruined cities;
they will plant vineyards and drink their wine,
cultivate gardens and eat their fruit.” Amos 9:14
From sipping prophetic wine to spiritual highs, Israel is a must visit country.
Join me on the trip of a lifetime, L’Chaim!